How To Know When A Decision Is The Right One

“Make a decision and then make it right”

— Abraham Hicks

The struggle of deciding what to do can be overwhelming. There’s something about it that feels so big & so permanent. Even though, in most cases, it’s really not. You can always change the course.

I had been thinking about this in my own life when I ran into a friend on the beach. I hadn’t seen her in ages and we ended up chatting in the balmy afternoon sun for hours. I love how you stumble into the right people and the right conversations just when you need them most.

She had an opportunity that was presenting itself. It was a dream of hers that had always been at the back of her mind, yet when it showed up…it wasn’t an immediate yes. The way it had come about would require an almost instant uprooting.

On the one hand, it was what she wanted. But on the other, she didn’t feel ready yet. It was sudden. Abrupt. There were things in her current reality that needed to be sorted out. Chapters to close. Would leaving not sort of be like running away?

We talked about that for a while; mainly how do you know if you’re making the right choice?

Some decisions are clear, while others leave you questioning.

After listening to her debate both angles, she finished by saying this; “I just trust though. If I make the wrong choice, life will steer me back to the right one.”

What a freeing thought. That even if you make the wrong decision, life will steer you back.

Something will or won’t happen in order for the trajectory to shift.

This thinking, of course, depends on your belief. Is it fate or free will?

In meditation, we talk a lot about letting go of control. Being present with what is and not worrying so much about the future outcome. In that sense, it’s fate. Things will happen. Doors will open. And if we’re paying attention, we can seize the opportunity when it greets us.

Life does require choice though. We have to know ourselves enough to know what the healthiest option is. In that sense, it’s free will. Am I putting myself where I need to be in order to become my most fulfilled self?

Fear. Doubt. Control. Wanting to know (for certain) the outcome. These are all things that can paralyze us.

“Ok Universe, I know you have my back but what if XYZ…”


Close your eyes. Steady your breathing. With an open mind, repeat these affirmations to yourself one by one…

  • Any decision I make will be the right one

  • Regardless of what I do, I’m good. I’m protected. I’m safe.

  • If I jump, the net will appear.

  • It’s not that big a deal. I’ll figure it out. I can relax.

  • Whatever happens is as it should be

  • I choose not to second guess myself

  • I am simply deciding that this is the best move for me

Does one give you goosebumps? Does one bring you peace? Invoke a deep exhale? Whichever affirmation spoke to you, that’s probably an indication of your faith system. Lean into it when making difficult decisions. Come back to what you believe to be true about the world. Outside of fear, doubt, or negativity.

Emma Grede (co-founder of Good American & Skims) said the best advice she was ever given was to “make a decision and just move on” 

I thought that was so great. And definitely one that applies to this conversation.

Besides, it’s not all that serious anyways. xx

From one overthinker to another.

With love, Jewels

COMMENT ~ What do you think? Is it fate or free will? I’d love to hear from you. Let me know your opinion in the comment section below…


Ask Yourself This Next Time You’re In a Negative Headspace